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    Membership is free at this time. We only ask that you support the Society's goals as they are outlined in the Constitution and agree to comply with the Society's Bylaws and Code of Conduct.

    There are many ways to take small steps in changing your living habits while making big strides in helping the environment.

    Join Us

    Who among us is ready
    to save the planet?

    Green. That’s how we’d like the world to be

    Your participation in safeguarding the environment you live in is key to ensuring your own well being.

    Join Us

    Acting in unison
    sharing a vision

    Communities are built with shared goals and effort.

    We offer an opportunity to collaborate with friends and neighbours in restoring a healthful, balanced ecology.

    Join Us

    Become a Member

    Show your support for the Burnaby Mountain Conversation Area by becoming a member.

      I support the goals of the Society and I will comply with the members’ duties as described in the Bylaws.